Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Further knowledge summary

Creativity sparks mind functioning and brain activity
Play time sparks creativity
To much shelter is bad
Need to find yourself can't learn from someone saying something, you need to experience it
What is knowledge? Wisdom?
How do you break something someone says and then do it
Make personal connections
Act on the knowledge. What good is knowledge if you don't use it
Relate to yourself
School isn't very relevant, so you have to apply yourself, have to experience it yourself
Testing doesn't prove everything (animal analogy)
Not Darwin's theory but the power of the rest of the world

1a) These aspects and way of learning are going to be easier to apply to life late in time when grades don't matter. It will be easier to apply because when your in college you pick what you want to do with your life. So everything you do for school will be easily applied to your career.
1b) I feel the knowledge we gain now is hard to apply to the AP test because it's not what we want to do. I think the key is to find a fun way a way that kids enjoy to learn the material. Not just read from the book but things that catch our eyes and make learning not only fun but easier. What teachers don't understand these days is that we live in a technological world so learning is easier through technology.
1c) I think like I said in 1b that making learning in a more enjoyable way is the only way I feel you can inspire kids in this age to learn.

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